Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Target Africa: Ideological Neo-colonialism of the Twenty-first Century. By Obianuju Ekeocha, Ignatius Press, 2018.

In this powerful and searing book, Obianuju Ekeocha provides a sharp critique of the ways that foreign aid and non-governmental organizations are trying to use their money to change the culture, morals, and society of the nations of Africa.  Ekeocha is a biomedical scientist and activist who loves Africa and is determined to prevent outside powers from reshaping the continent in their own preferred image.

Ekeocha wrote this book because of her anger over the Western powers who seek to use their power and prestige to bribe, shame, or otherwise coerce the independent nations of Africa to adopt policies and attitudes on sexuality, abortion, gender, contraception, and the family. Ekeocha notes that numerous influential philanthropists and groups ranging from charities to governments to the United Nations have very strong ideas about the directions Africa should take. Ekeocha argues that the Western forces may mean well, but they are prescribing the wrong solutions to problems, perhaps even non-existent problems facing Africa.  Indeed, Ekeocha suggests that the powers of the West could learn a few– perhaps a great many– things from the way Africa regards the family and human life.

This book is important reading for people interested in African culture and global politics, as well as people who are interested in finding out how money and influential organizations can affect governments. Ekeocha writes a woman who loves Africa, and is very proud of her culture and the attitudes and accomplishments that the continent has achieved and developed, and she is determined to prevent people who do not understand the region from changing it or buying the governments of Africa.

More information on Ekeocha and her work can be found at http://cultureoflifeafrica.com/.

–Chris Chan